
Diane Gottlieb writes open-hearted stories about people in pain who choose to grow.

Archive for July 2022

Take Back Your Focus – With Help From Johann Hari

Like everyone these days, I have a lot of things on my mind. But I’m having a hard time staying with any single one. I jump around. I feel unsettled. Distracted. Sound familiar? I see this same distraction in many of my ACT/SAT students. When we first begin our sessions together, I ask them how…

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Interview With Laraine Herring

Laraine Herring is an amazing writer, visual artist, and champion of women–especially women over 40! Her latest book A Constellation of Ghosts: A Speculative Memoir with Ravens is a gorgeous, powerful memoir about grief and growth. You can see some of her stunning artwork alongside the interview. Laraine is also a wonderful teacher and psychotherapist…

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