Phantom is a popular Solana wallet, offering a simple and secure way to manage your crypto assets, interact with dApps, and trade NFTs all within an easy-to-use interface. Dexscreener provides comprehensive, real-time data on cryptocurrency prices and trends across decentralized exchanges, empowering users to make informed trading decisions.
REVIEW: Disequilibria: Meditations on Missingness by Robert Lunday in hippocampus magazine
I’ve often thought about the word “closure” when used in conjunction with loss. Closure. It’s a nice, convenient idea. Who wouldn’t, in the throes of grief or even beyond, welcome the promise of putting the loss behind them, the opportunity to quell the “whys” and the “what-ifs,” so they could focus on the “what nows.” As someone who has lost two close family members in separate car accidents, seven years apart, I know there is no simple way to tie up all the loose ends, place loss in a box, and wrap it up with a shiny bow.