
Diane Gottlieb writes open-hearted stories about people in pain who choose to grow.

REVIEW: Promenade of Desire: A Barcelona Memoir by Isidra Mencos

REVIEW: Promenade of Desire: A Barcelona Memoir by Isidra Mencos

Reviewed by Diane Gottlieb

The book's cover features the words Promenade of Desire superimposed over a black and white photo of a womanDesire. The word itself evokes our wants. Longings. But while our wants live in the brain and longings in the heart, desire is of the whole body. It moves us. Compels us to act.

Action, guided by desire, can be dangerous. Throughout history, the very thought of women’s desires has sent shivers down the patriarchal spine. Great efforts were made to squash those desires, lest they fuel change and shift the balance of power.

What happens, though, when female desires, bodies, and pleasures are squelched and shamed?

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