Diane Gottlieb – Awakenings: Stories of Body and Consciousness ep 3029-One Life Radio
Today on One Life Radio, we welcomed Diane Gottlieb on the air for the first time to hear about her inspiration and the importance of Awakenings: Stories of Body & Consciousness. Diane is an MSW, or Master of Social Work, MEd, Master of Education and a MFA, Master of Fine Arts and is the editor of the book Awakenings: Stories of Body & Consciousness. Her writing appears in 2023 Best Microfiction, River Teeth, HuffPost, SmokeLong Quarterly, Hippocampus Magazine, The Rumpus, Chicago Review of Books, About Place Journal, and 100 Word Stories among many other journals and anthologies
Thnk you One Life Radio! I LOVED speaking with Bernadette about Awakenings (ELJ Editions)! Great conversation! Great fun! Please give a listen!