
Diane Gottlieb writes open-hearted stories about people in pain who choose to grow.


Interview With Eileen Vorbach Collins

Eileen Vorbach Collins is an amazing woman, who has survived every parent’s nightmare: her beautiful teenaged daughter Lydia died by suicide. While Lydia has been gone for over 20 years, grief remains. Although grief looks and expresses itself differently, the loss will always weigh on Eileen’s heart. Eileen has written a powerful and heartbreakingly beautiful…

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Hope, Devotion, and a Short Interview

I wrote a blog post about hope in May 2022, when I was feeling deeply the anger and divisiveness in our country and world. Who knew I’d feel the need to revisit the post two years later?   Friends … Until (very) recently, I’ve felt like I’ve been walking a tightrope.   I wanted to…

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It’s the middle of January. First month of a brand-spanking-new year. Resolutions have been made—and, if you’re anything like me—some of them have been broken.   Yes. I know. Already.   You may be disappointed with yourself. Frustrated. Maybe even a bit—or a lot—angry. But before your disappointment/frustration/anger unleashes a trickle or avalanche of mean…

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Interview With Kathryn Silver-Hajo

I first met Kathryn Silver-Hajo in a Facebook writing class at the beginning of COVID. It was run by a lovely writer—and person—Meg Pokrass, and I so very much appreciated the chance to connect with other writers during that lockdown time. What a joy it was to read Kathryn’s work in the class! I have…

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Awakenings: Stories of Body & Consciousness

The body! The Body! THE BODY!   Read those three short sentences again. Maybe read them aloud this time.   Take a breath.   How do you feel?   For many people, reading, saying, or hearing the words “the body” brings up feelings of joy, gratitude, and a desire to move, stretch, run! For others,…

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Interview With Jill Talbot

I rarely post an interview to the blog that was previously published elsewhere (you can read those on my publications page). I am making an exception today! Jill Talbot, a gorgeous essayist whom I have long admired, has put together a wonderful collection, The Last Year: Essays, about a unique moment (or year, rather) in…

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Interview With Sarah Freligh

Sarah Freligh! How I admire her writing! And what an honor and a joy to speak with her this past April about her latest book A Brief Natural History of Women and about archetypes, teaching, waiting tables, swimming in cold water, and so much more! Diane: Sarah, I’ve been dying to interview you forever, but I…

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To All My Valentines

Valentine’s Day, like many holidays of cheer, can sometimes be fraught with mixed emotions. Sure, Valentine’s Day provides a wonderful opportunity to stop and appreciate our loving relationships with partners. But it can also lead to negative self-judgments if we are not living the Hallmark dream.   Maybe it’s best to think of Valentine’s Day…

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When You Look Back, “Look Back with Love”

Anybody else thinking the holidays are coming too soon?   I can’t believe it’s that time again (but it is)! I can’t believe I’m having another birthday (my 62nd)! But I can (and do) believe that there are wonderful things ahead! Here are three things I’m excited for in 2023: I’m editing an anthology coming…

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Catching Up With Memories

Happy October, Everyone!! How’s everyone doing? That’s not a rhetorical question! I really want to know! I’m feeling a little scattered these days. A bit overcommitted—but not overwhelmed. I’ve taken on a bunch of new projects and am excited for them all! Fall is a terrific season to start digging in those heels—and can be…

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